There has always been a rivalry between lions and tigers. Many ask, “Which one is better?” To answer that, even though it’s often an opinionated question, we have to compare and contrast the two, scientifically. We’ll take the Siberian Tiger, and the African Lion.
The Siberian Tiger weighs up to 660 lbs. It’s a solitary hunter with eyesight 6 times sharper than a human. They have claws up to five inches long. Also, their teeth are 3 inches, and razor sharp. Tigers’ black stripes help them stay camouflaged in the rainforest in which they dwell.
Unlike the Siberian Tiger, the African Lion weighs up to 420 lbs. It lives in a pride, instead of solitude. The prides are dominated by a male lion, sometimes two. Its eyesight is only five times better than a human, although their claws are roughly an eighth of an inch longer than the Siberian Tiger. The African Lions’ teeth are also an inch longer.
The Siberian Tiger and the African Lion are also very similar. They both have retractable claws. In addition, they have long tails which are used for balance. Plus, they both have amazing hearing, with the ability to hear noises up to a mile away.
Even though the lion and tiger are close in size, the tiger always wins. There are many accounts in which a tiger killed a lion. The tigers have clear advantages, and a clearer sense of how to kill efficiently, and without harming themselves.
The Big Question....Lion or Tiger
The Peacock
The call of a peacock can be heard from many miles away. The calls or usually from the males, who use these as a way of protecting themselves, their territory, and once again to attract females.
The Elephant
This is really cool: When I was up north in Prescott, there on Gurley Street is alleys and shop, well down one alley with shops in it, there was a store that had a dog,(We brought our little dog) that was watching ours. I thought it looked like a Wolf so I asked. It was a Wolf. When you see them they are really cool.
The Rhinoceros is a really big animal. They can weigh around 4,000 lbs. There are five different kinds of rhinoceros's, and the one's that most people know about are the Black Rhinoceros, and the White Rhinoceros.The funny thing is , they are both grey.
The Ostrich
When you first look at an ostrich they look really funny.A large bird with little wings and big legs. The legs on the ostrich are so strong they can kick a lions head clean off.This is the last bird you want to tangle with.
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
The Greater Kudu; A Species of Antelope
The Greater Kudu ( tragelaphus strepsiceros) lives in Africa and has a range extending from the east in Tanzania and Kenya into the south states of Zambia, Angola, Namibia, Botzwana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. They have also been introduced in small numbers in New Mexico, USA. They enjoy the cover of shrubs and are always near water. They are most active in the evenings and mornings, and eat many types of grasses, leaves, and roots. They have been known to travel long distances in search of food and water.
Any carnivorous animal will take the Kudu as breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Kudu's aren't fast enough to escape chasing so they use brush for cover.
Kudu's usually have one calf, which is hidden from predators for the first two weeks, but later the calf ventures out on its own and will roam with the rest of the herd during the day.
Kudu's can live up to 20 years in captivity.
The Giraffe!

The Bengal Tiger
The Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) is about 10 feet long and can weigh up to 500 pounds. It lives in isolated groups across woodland, open forest, and orchard brush, but is mostly found in the mangrove swamps of the Sunderbans Region in Bangledesh, and the northeastern state of West Bengal.