The Elephant
The Elephant is the largest land animal on the planet. They can be up to 13 feet tall and 11,000 pounds. What most people don't know about elephants is that there isn't just two species. People think that there are only two species, the African and the Asian.There are a lot more than that.They are the most recognized though. The elephant can eat up to half it's body weight in one day. They also drink a lot too. The African Elephant lives on the Savannah where water is scarce, so they travel great distances to get water. The Asian elephant lives in just about all parts of Asia, and they don't have to worry about water. They worry about the Tiger, the world's largest cat. Both of them are led by Matriarchs, the oldest females, who have the responsibility look after the whole herd.(The African is on the right, and the Asian is on the left.)
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1:48 PM |
The Wolf. It is an amazing creature. The wolf lives in the northern hemisphere, ranging from Utah to Canada, and all over Europe and in some parts of Asia. These dogs are large, around the size of a Belgian Malamute. They are really tough, standing near freezing temperature. Their prey is always on the move because they eat Caribou and deer. Even though they live up north, there are Mexican Grey Wolves which are near Mexico, but more in Arizona.
This is really cool: When I was up north in Prescott, there on Gurley Street is alleys and shop, well down one alley with shops in it, there was a store that had a dog,(We brought our little dog) that was watching ours. I thought it looked like a Wolf so I asked. It was a Wolf. When you see them they are really cool.
This is really cool: When I was up north in Prescott, there on Gurley Street is alleys and shop, well down one alley with shops in it, there was a store that had a dog,(We brought our little dog) that was watching ours. I thought it looked like a Wolf so I asked. It was a Wolf. When you see them they are really cool.
1:20 PM |
Lions are the second largest cats in the world.They live in Africa and their prides are around 15-40 strong. The males are the protecter of the territories. They are the ones that protect the lionesses and the cubs. The females are the main hunters along with any cubs that are old enough to hunt. They are capable of taking down an elephant, and have no trouble with anything smaller. There territories are essential because they need land rich in food and water to support such large groups. When they hunt one or more lions scare the prey towards the waiting lions that are hiding nearby. Even though the females are the hunters, the males usually gets the largest share in the meal.
11:29 AM |
The Rhinoceros is a really big animal. They can weigh around 4,000 lbs. There are five different kinds of rhinoceros's, and the one's that most people know about are the Black Rhinoceros, and the White Rhinoceros.The funny thing is , they are both grey.
The Ostrich
11:10 AM |
When you first look at an ostrich they look really funny.A large bird with little wings and big legs. The legs on the ostrich are so strong they can kick a lions head clean off.This is the last bird you want to tangle with.
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
3:35 PM |
The Western Diamondback is one of the largest rattlesnakes in the United States. It is also one of the most venomous rattlesnakes. When people think of snakes they run in the other direction and want to kill it. This rattlesnake is more shy and isn't as aggressive as the Mohave Rattlesnake. Still, when you see one it comes as a great surprise.
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