The Giraffe!

The Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardis) is the tallest of the land animals. The giraffe is a unique animal. Originally there are nine types, but the most well-known are: Angolan, Cape, Maasai, Reticulated, Rothschilds, and the West African giraffe.
Giraffes never intermix in the wild because their territories are separate from each other.
The giraffe's superb eyesight and hearing enable them to spot predators and communicate to each other easily. Their hooves can kick a lions' head clean off, but they can't pick up their feet very far off the ground.
When eating, the giraffe's long legs and long neck help them reach the best foliage at the top of the tree. But, they have to time it right and eat quickly because once they start eating, the Acacia tree sends a chemical odor to all other surrounding trees to put a foul tasting liquid into their sap that lasts for around 30 minutes. Like camels, giraffes can go for weeks without water.
The giraffe is one of my favorite animals because they are so elegant and refined, and they act civilized in an animal-sort-of way.

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The Bengal Tiger

The Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) is about 10 feet long and can weigh up to 500 pounds. It lives in isolated groups across woodland, open forest, and orchard brush, but is mostly found in the mangrove swamps of the Sunderbans Region in Bangledesh, and the northeastern state of West Bengal.

Bengal Tigers eat anything from pigs, deer, antelope, and buffalo to crocodiles and humans. Tigers are aggressive hunters and sometimes kill more than they need. They are solitary hunters, and their canine teeth are used to stab and kill prey. Their teeth can grow to 3 inches in length and can crunch through the backbone of any animal.

Bengal Tigers kill by stealth and ambush and with its huge fangs, razor-sharp claws, powerful muscles and massive build, it can knock down and kill in seconds animals much larger than itself.

Tigers' vision is 6 times better than humans. Hearing is their best sense. White spots, called flashes, on the backs of its ears are used to show aggresion or to identify others in the dark. Their roars can be heard from two miles away and their stripes are as unique as fingerprints.

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